Pronounced new-kah
NUCCA is an advanced Chiropractic technique that focuses on your upper cervical. We utilize x-rays to determine the exact degree of adjustment needed and then make very gentle, precise corrections to fix the alignment.
Once the body is corrected, pressure is released from the spinal cord and the central nervous system. The body then begins the innate process of healing.
What You Can Expect
Day 1
On your first visit, Dr. Traci takes time to assess your situation.
She will measure your posture, run a spinal stress test, take xrays (if needed) and measure misalingment in the upper neck to determine how your health is being affected (arthritis, discs, pain/symptoms, nervous system compromise, etc).
Future Visits
Monitor healing, stability, and recovery progress.
At each visit, precise measurment is taken to determine if you need an adjustment and only given when necessary. Dr. Traci may also offer exercises, stretches, or other supportive therapy to enhance recovery and healing. Post- adjustment measurements are performed to ensure correction.
5020 E Central Ave.
Wichita, KS 67208
Business Hours:
9 am | 6 pm
9am l 1pm
Tues, Thurs
2pm I 6pm
9am I 12pm
Closed Weekends
Phone: 316-239-1444​
Fax: 316-768-8239
Email: livewellspinalcare@gmail.com